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For the first time, SIMA is moving to Paris Nord Villepinte!

Expected by the entire industry, the exhibition confirmed its leading position at Paris Nord Villepinte. This one-to-one show between exhibitors and visitors was held from 6 to 10 November 2022. This 79th edition was placed under the sign of renewal, sharing and confidence.

As a trade show for all types of agriculture, SIMA has stated its ambitions and mission: "To reveal the solutions and technologies dedicated to the development of sustainable and efficient agriculture, at the heart of Europe's leading agricultural power.

+120 countries

1 000 companies

+90 conferences

153 000 professional entries

18 sectors


SIMA is an opportunity for us to make our innovations and future projects known to our partners in agriculture, agribusiness, start-ups,etc.

Quentin De Chabot

CEO and co-founder of Delivagri

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